Thursday, October 28, 2004


Today's exercise is on revenge.

Onthalo shifted uncomfortably and stole a glance at the golden-haired woman beside him. He'd found her in the jungle, severely injured, trailing blood and feathers. He wasn't sure that Tansy approved of her... But she'd been hurt, and there was no way he could leave someone to die in the wildreness. She lay in his mat now, still moaning, still muttering curses in an alien tongue that he could not understand. The sounds she made were beautiful, even though he could tell that she was angry at something. Her fists were tightly clenched and shaking, even as she mumbled and moaned in her sleep. She was running a high fever, and he did not know how to cure it.
"Tansy, could you go get the medicine woman, please? This is beyond me..."
Tansy growled in assent and padded off quietly.

She was lost in fire and blood... The fire that they had used to "cleanse" her with before they tore away her wings. She would have her revenge on them. She was writhing, moaning with the pain of the fire, when she felt a sudden cool touch on her mind. There was a boy there... Young, just barely in his first adulthood, concerned... He would be a fitting tool. They would never suspect him. All she had to do was play on his weaknesses. She reached out and grabbed his mind, letting loose the fire and blood. She heard him scream.

As soon as he touched her, he felt a strange presence flooding his mind. At first there was only the presence, and then there were flames all around him, everywhere, and no escape anywhere, except into one area of icy cold blackness. He was heading there, trying to get away, when he felt a sudden sharp biting pain at his hand. Tansy had returned, and was gnawing him. He had the sudden feeling that Tansy had saved him from a terrible fate, and he hugged and petted her. The medicine woman smiled indulgently at the two, and turned to the stranger.

343 words, just barely over 5 minutes. Yeah, it's not *exactly* about revenge, but I felt like trying to continue my other thing (and it does have someone seeking revenge). It has a cat in it!


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