Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Etude 3: Allegro Misterioso

Yay weirdness! I felt like a change of pace, so I made one. These beings probably aren't going to be doing much talking to each other... It almost makes my brain hurt figuring them out. ;)

Etude 3: Allegro Misterioso

Drifting through the lattice, he cursed the necessity of being forced to use such a flawed, obvious vessel for the work. But he'd needed something that would not notice sudden lapses of consciousness, something that would take such in stride. It seemed like such a short time ago when the vessels would have been considered themselves honored to be so chosen. Now, though, such vessels were more likely to be imprisoned or otherwise have their freedom of movement restricted. For now, he had to give the vessel a rest. He glowed dark violet for a moment, remembering the first -- and only -- time he'd missed the warnings signs. The vessel had gone mad, its body confused and tormented by the attempts of two different beings to control it. The madness had nearly claimed him, before he detached himself and the body tore itself apart in a frenzy. But now he floated lazily through the lattice's gently changing colours. Finally, he found his destination -- a clot of blue with green strands running through it. He merged himself with the node.

He flashed white for a moment, alerting the others. "This:observing nexus:forming locating completed."
A questioning green tinge crept over one of the elders. "Making-safe protecting not-hurting observing which:identity-to-be-known?"
He glowed red with indignation. "This:observing nexus:forming protecting making-safe progress:current."
The elder glowed blue, satisfied. "Trusting that:observing-protecting-nexus:forming warning this:preparing." And with that, he was dismissed.


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